What is Godly Play?
Godly Play is a Montessori method of telling Bible stories, developed by Jerome Berryman, using parables, sacred stories and liturgical lessons about religious traditions using tactile natural materials.
Godly Play is used extensively with adults and children in many settings, from schools to hospitals, churches to aged care facilities.
Godly Play can be a way of preparing children to join the worship life of their congregations as they experience sacred stories, symbols and rites and encounter the religious language associated with worship within the context of our faith tradition.
It invites the listener to connect faith stories with personal experience through wondering questions and open-ended response.
Imagine someone who…
- creates space to think big
- respects children’s spirituality
- builds a safe community
- enables children to make connections
- is open to the unexpected
- listens as much as talks
- slows down the pace
- doesn’t always know the answer
Imagine a way of Christian nurture that:
- promotes Biblical knowledge, empathy, spiritual growth
- provides a multi-sensory approach to learning
- develops language and communication skills
- encourages thinking skills
- has depth and reflection in every session
The heart of Godly Play
- creating sacred space
- building and working in community
- learning religious language
- using religious language and ritual to make meaning
A Godly Play session includes time to:
Get ready.
Experience a story.
Explore the story with questions “I wonder …?”
Respond with a free choice of creative experience.
Enjoy a simple shared feast.
Want to know more?
Godly Play can help you see and do things differently. Experience Godly Play through an introduction session where you can become a part of a Godly Play session, reflect on the ideas and values that underpin Godly Play and explore the resources.
The Australian College of Godly Play Trainers
There are currently trainers available who have been recognised by the Godly Play Foundation to provide accredited Godly Play training throughout Australia. This involves providing core training, ongoing enrichment training, keeping a data base and maintaining a strong relationship with the Godly Play Foundation Training Operations.
- Carolyn Handley, Sydney
- Judyth Roberts, Central Coast (NSW)
- Kathrin Koning, Sunshine Coast
- Kaye Lewis, Sydney
- Kerry Folland, Adelaide
- Shannon Schuster, Adelaide
- Nuria Miro, Darwin (NT)
We are able to offer a range of training options. Contact Judyth Roberts to find out more judythroberts@gmail.com or 0434 884 625
Who Are We?
Godly Play Australia is made up of people from around Australia who have discovered Godly Play and enjoy gathering together to share stories and extend the ways in which Godly Play is understood and used in a variety of settings.
Godly Play Australia is not ‘owned’ by anyone, but is a collaborative effort by people from a range of denominations and careers who are working together to ensure that wherever you are in Australia, you have access to information about Godly Play and resources. We are affiliated with the international Godly Play community and the Godly Play Foundation US.

The Godly Play Australia Advisory Board
This board is made up of representatives from around Australia who are contact people, advocates for Godly Play and able to speak into local, regional and national conversations. This group meets rarely but maintains contact through the Godly Play network and is involved in a range of activities to further Godly Play in Australia. You are welcome to contact them to talk about Godly Play in your state.
Carolyn Handley
Ph: 0408 269 360
Godly Play storyteller since 2003
Godly Play trainer
Kaye Lewis
Godly Play trainer
Judyth Roberts
Ph: 0434 884 625
Godly Play trainer
Jennifer Pickard
Katherine Rainger
Judith Watkins
School Chaplain, Godly Play Trainer
Brendan Hyde
Ph: (03) 9246 8313
Educator and researcher
Vivienne Mountain
Ph: (03) 9592 9031
Educator and researcher in children’s spirituality
GODLY PLAY New Zealand
Elke Keeling keelingelke@gmail.com
Researcher into Children’s Spirituality and Godly Play Trainer
Kathrin Koning
Ph: (07) 5477 3262
Matthew Flinders Anglican College
Godly Play trainer
Western Australia
Chris Bedding
Phone: 0405 525 476
Margaret Johnston, Ministry Resource Centre or phone:
(08) 9260 9800
South Australia
Shannon Schuster
Ph: 0451 155 447
Godly Play Trainer
Kerry Folland
Ph: 0417 606 255
Godly Play Trainer
Northern Territory
Nuria Miro
Godly Play Trainer
Ph: 0460 937 975